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waorani328 (1:2 TC:01:14:40:22)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. CU Waorani woman’s face (Waorani 2002)
waorani331 (1:2 TC:01:15:08:18)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. MWA group of Waorani men in modern clothes dancing in ‘conga’ type line across the shot entering from the right, turning in front of camera and exiting from the right. (Waorani 2002)
waorani332 (1:2 TC:01:15:29:17)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. MWA group of Waorani men in modern clothes dancing in ‘conga’ type line across the shot entering from the right, turning in front of camera and exiting from the right. (Waorani 2002)
waorani334 (1:2 TC:01:16:02:22)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. MWA group of Waorani men in modern clothes dancing in ‘conga’ type line across the shot entering from the left, turning in front of camera and exit ing left to show watching seated people inside wooden building. Dancing group re-enters from left (Waorani 2002)
waorani313 (1:1 TC:01:07:24:00)
Tonaempaedi, Palm Beach. Hand held shot: Jim Yost, Mincaye and Dyowe carrying spears walk down beach talking to each other and pointing. Camera follows. (Waorani 2002)
waorani335 (1:2 TC:01:16:02:22)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. MWA group of Waorani men in modern clothes dancing in ‘conga’ type line across the shot entering from the left, turning in front of camera and exit ing left to show watching seated people inside wooden building. Dancing group re-enters from left (Waorani 2002)
waorani314 (1:1 TC:01:08:12:18)
Tonaempaedi, Palm Beach. Hand held shot: Jim Yost, Mincaye and Dyowe carrying spears walk down beach talking to each other and pointing. Camera follows feet at low level, then stops revealing people walking away. (Waorani 2002)
waorani336 (1:2 TC:01:17:07:19)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. MS Waorani woman standing and gesturing whilst she talks. Camera zooms in very slowly. Woman then sits down, leaving shot (Waorani 2002)
waorani315 (1:1 TC:01:08:59:10)
Tonaempaedi, Palm Beach. Hand held shot: Mincaye and Dyowe carrying spears standing on riverbank talking and pointing. MS both men pointing upwards and along beach. (Waorani 2002)
waorani337 (1:2 TC:01:18:01:16)
Tonaempaedi – ONHAE Congress. Interior shots. CU Waorani mans face with large pierced ear lobe and holding spear. Younger Waorani in background outside. People walk in front later in shot (Waorani 2002)
waorani299 (1:1 TC:01:00:32:00)
Aerials : Hand held aerials out of door of Cessna 206. NVG weather, lots of haze, plus vibration. Wing low. Open rain forest with ridged hills (Waorani 2002)
waorani300 (1:1 TC:01:01:04:01)
Aerials : Hand held aerials out of door of Cessna 206. NVG weather, lots of haze, plus vibration. Wing low. Open rain forest with low hills, small industrial complex in forest (Waorani 2002)
waorani301 (1:1 TC:01:01:48:06)
Aerials : Hand held aerials out of door of Cessna 206. NVG weather, lots of haze, plus vibration. Wing low. Open rain forest with low hills, river cutting through forest with some buildings in clearing. (Waorani 2002)
waorani303 (1:1 TC:01:03:13:23)
Baumeno, Cononaco, Canoe sequence. WA Traditional dug out canoe paddled with men in modern clothes filmed from river bank, canoe lands on bank (Waorani 2002)
waorani304 (1:1 TC:01:03:42:01)
Baumeno, Cononaco, Canoe sequence. WA Traditional dug out canoe motoring along river filmed from river bank. Camera zooms into MS of canoe passing through shot showing 9 occupants, Waorani family, some in traditional dress, some in modern clothes. Focus drifts. Camera pulls out to WA of canoe continuing down river away from camera. (Waorani 2002)
waorani305 (1:1 TC:01:04:53:14)
Baumeno, Cononaco, GVs and people. MWA Traditional huts in forest clearing. (Waorani 2002)
waorani307 (1:1 TC:01:05:21:22)
Baumeno, Cononaco, GVs and people. MS Elderly Waorani woman walking in clearing towards camera in long green t-shirt carrying plastic bottle. Waorani man in shorts and jumper walks through shot. (Waorani 2002)
waorani310 (1:1 TC:01:06:18:04)
Tonaempaedi, Palm Beach. WA view of riverbank and forest on opposite bank. Camera pans left over sandy bank (Waorani 2002)
waorani312 (1:1 TC:01:07:01:15)
Tonaempaedi, Palm Beach. Hand held shot: Jim Yost, Mincaye and Dyowe carrying spears walk away from camera down beach talking to each other and pointing. (Waorani 2002)

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